Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Data Wrangling Project 2 : Wrangle NYC Subway and Weather Data Exercise 1 - 5

Project 2 :  Wrangle  NYC Subway and Weather Data
Exercise 1 - Number of Rainy Days
import pandas
import pandasql

def num_rainy_days(filename):
    This function should run a SQL query on a dataframe of
    weather data.  The SQL query should return one column and
    one row - a count of the number of days in the dataframe where
    the rain column is equal to 1 (i.e., the number of days it
    rained).  The dataframe will be titled 'weather_data'. You'll
    need to provide the SQL query.  You might find SQL's count function
    useful for this exercise.  You can read more about it here:
    You might also find that interpreting numbers as integers or floats may not
    work initially.  In order to get around this issue, it may be equal to cast
    these numbers as integers.  This can be done by writing cast(column as integer).
    So for example, if we wanted to cast the maxtempi column as an integer, we would actually
    write something like where cast(maxtempi as integer) = 76, as opposed to simply
    where maxtempi = 76.
    You can see the weather data that we are passing in below:
    weather_data = pandas.read_csv(filename)

    q = """
    select count(*) from weather_data where rain=1;
    #Execute your SQL command against the pandas frame
    rainy_days = pandasql.sqldf(q.lower(), locals())
    return rainy_days

Exercise 2:  > Temp on Foggy and Non Foggy Days

import pandas
import pandasql

def max_temp_aggregate_by_fog(filename):
    This function should run a SQL query on a dataframe of
    weather data.  The SQL query should return two columns and
    two rows - whether it was foggy or not (0 or 1) and the max
    maxtempi for that fog value (i.e., the maximum max temperature
    for both foggy and non-foggy days).  The dataframe will be
    titled 'weather_data'. You'll need to provide the SQL query.
    You might also find that interpreting numbers as integers or floats may not
    work initially.  In order to get around this issue, it may be useful to cast
    these numbers as integers.  This can be done by writing cast(column as integer).
    So for example, if we wanted to cast the maxtempi column as an integer, we would actually
    write something like where cast(maxtempi as integer) = 76, as opposed to simply
    where maxtempi = 76.
    You can see the weather data that we are passing in below:
    weather_data = pandas.read_csv(filename)

    q = """
        select fog, MAX(cast (maxtempi as integer) ) from weather_data GROUP BY fog;
    #Execute your SQL command against the pandas frame
    rainy_days = pandasql.sqldf(q.lower(), locals())
    return rainy_days


 Exercise 3 - Mean Temp on Weekends

import pandas
import pandasql

def avg_min_temperature(filename):
    This function should run a SQL query on a dataframe of
    weather data.  The SQL query should return one column and
    one row - the average meantempi on days that are a Saturday
    or Sunday (i.e., the the average mean temperature on weekends).
    The dataframe will be titled 'weather_data' and you can access
    the date in the dataframe via the 'date' column.
    You'll need to provide  the SQL query.
    You might also find that interpreting numbers as integers or floats may not
    work initially.  In order to get around this issue, it may be equal to cast
    these numbers as integers.  This can be done by writing cast(column as integer).
    So for example, if we wanted to cast the maxtempi column as an integer, we would actually
    write something like where cast(maxtempi as integer) = 76, as opposed to simply
    where maxtempi = 76.
    Also, you can convert dates to days of the week via the 'strftime' keyword in SQL.
    For example, cast (strftime('%w', date) as integer) will return 0 if the date
    is a Sunday or 6 if the date is a Saturday.
    You can see the weather data that we are passing in below:
    weather_data = pandas.read_csv(filename)

    q = """
       select AVG(cast (meantempi as integer)) from weather_data where cast(strftime('%w',date) as integer) = 0 or
       cast(strftime('%w',date) as integer) = 6;
    #Execute your SQL command against the pandas frame
    mean_temp_weekends = pandasql.sqldf(q.lower(), locals())
    return mean_temp_weekends

Exercise 4 - Mean Temp on Rainy Days
import pandas
import pandasql

def avg_min_temperature(filename):
    This function should run a SQL query on a dataframe of
    weather data. More specifically you want to find the average
    minimum temperature on rainy days where the minimum temperature
    is greater than 55 degrees.
    You might also find that interpreting numbers as integers or floats may not
    work initially.  In order to get around this issue, it may be equal to cast
    these numbers as integers.  This can be done by writing cast(column as integer).
    So for example, if we wanted to cast the maxtempi column as an integer, we would actually
    write something like where cast(maxtempi as integer) = 76, as opposed to simply
    where maxtempi = 76.
    You can see the weather data that we are passing in below:
    weather_data = pandas.read_csv(filename)

    q = """
           select AVG(cast (mintempi as integer)) from weather_data where cast(mintempi as integer) > 55
           and rain =1;

    #Execute your SQL command against the pandas frame
    mean_temp_weekends = pandasql.sqldf(q.lower(), locals())
    return mean_temp_weekends

Exercise 5 - Fixing NYC Subway Turnstile Data      

Input file :

Output File:

import csv

def fix_turnstile_data(filenames):
    Filenames is a list of MTA Subway turnstile text files. A link to an example
    MTA Subway turnstile text file can be seen at the URL below:
    As you can see, there are numerous data points included in each row of the
    a MTA Subway turnstile text file.

    You want to write a function that will update each row in the text
    file so there is only one entry per row. A few examples below:
    Write the updates to a different text file in the format of "updated_" + filename.
    For example:
        1) if you read in a text file called "turnstile_110521.txt"
        2) you should write the updated data to "updated_turnstile_110521.txt"

    The order of the fields should be preserved.
    You can see a sample of the turnstile text file that's passed into this function
    and the the corresponding updated file in the links below:
    Sample input file:
    Sample updated file:
    for name in filenames:
        ifile  = open(name, "rb")
        reader = csv.reader(ifile)
        outputfile = 'updated_' + name
        ofile  = open(outputfile, "wb")
        writer = csv.writer(ofile, delimiter=',')
        for row in reader:
                row = [x.strip(' ') for x in row]
                for i in range( 0 , 7):
                        if   row[3+5*i:8+5*i] == []:
                            writer.writerow(row[0:3] + row[3+5*i:8+5*i])



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